Clan Crawford

Crest: A stag’s head erased, Gules, between the attires a cross crosslet fitchée, Sable

Motto: Tutum Te Robore Reddam (I will give you safety by strength)

Origin of Tartan: A lowland tartan from the “Vestiarium Scoticum”

Lands: Lanarkshire

Clan Chief: Hugh Crawfurd of Auchinames (d. 1942)

Associated Names

The Crawford Society states that: “As a Southern Upland House the Crawfords followed Lowland traditions, as opposed to the Highland traditions, in that there are no septs under or over the Crawford surname. However, like all surnames, the spelling has undergone the effects of various cultures. One general rule is that the use of ‘u’ is Scots and the use of ‘w’ is Anglo. The variety of spellings includes most of the combinations in the table to the right. The most numerous surname worldwide is the Anglo spelling ‘Crawford’ with the Scottish spelling ‘Craufurd’ mostly in Scotland a distant second. The House of Crawford considers all of these variations as equal.”

The spelling variants are: Crawford Crawfford Crawfurd Crawffurd Crawferd Crawfferd Crawfird Crawffird Crawfort Crawffort Crawfoot Crawffoot Crawfoord Craffoord Craford Crafford Crafurd Craffurd Craferd Crafferd Crafird Craffird Crafort Craffort Crafoot Craffoot Crafoord Craffoord Crauford Craufford Craufurd Crauffurd Crauferd Craufferd Craufird Crauffird Craufort Crauffort Craufoot Crauffoot Craufoord Crauffoord Crowford Crowfford Crowfurd Crowffurd Crowferd Crowfferd Crowfird Crowffird Crowfort Crowffort Crowfoot Crowffoot Crowfoord Crowffoord Croford Crofford Crofurd Croffurd Croferd Crofferd Crofird Croffird Crofort Croffort Crofoot Croffoot Crofoord Croffoord Cranford Cranfford Cranfurd Cranffurd Cranferd Cranfferd Cranfird Cranffird Cranfort Cranffort Cranfoot Cranffoot Cranfoord Cranffoord Kraford Krafford Krafurd Kraffurd Kraferd Krafferd Krafird Kraffird Krafort Kraffort Krafoot Kraffoot Krafoord Kraffoord


Crawford Tartan Shop

57 products

Showing 1 - 24 of 57 products
Tartan Swatches - Lightweight   A-CTartan Swatches - Lightweight   A-C
ScotClans Tartan Swatches - Lightweight A-C
Sale price$5.33
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Lightweight Tartan by the meter  A-CLightweight Tartan by the meter  A-C
Lochcarron Lightweight Tartan by the meter A-C
Sale price$84.99
This product will be custom made
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Crawford Tartan Printed Face Mask
ScotClans Crawford Tartan Printed Face Mask
Sale price$11.99
This product will be custom made
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Pure Wool Tie in Crawford Ancient Tartan
Ingles Buchan Pure Wool Tie in Crawford Ancient Tartan
Sale price$29.99
This product will be custom made
Wool Scarf in Crawford Ancient Tartan
Ingles Buchan Wool Scarf in Crawford Ancient Tartan
Sale price$23.99
This product will be custom made
Crawford Clan Crest Quaich with Gold Trim
St Kilda Crawford Clan Crest Quaich with Gold Trim
Sale priceFrom $57.67
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Crawford Clan Crest PU Leather Covered Hip FlaskCrawford Clan Crest PU Leather Covered Hip Flask
ScotClans Crawford Clan Crest PU Leather Covered Hip Flask
Sale priceFrom $34.99
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Clan Crest Pewter Kilt Pin with Crawford Crest
Art Pewter Clan Crest Pewter Kilt Pin with Crawford Crest
Sale price$28.99
This product will be custom made
Crawford Modern Tartan Pet BandanaCrawford Modern Tartan Pet Bandana
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Crawford Clan Crest Pewter Tie Pin
Art Pewter Crawford Clan Crest Pewter Tie Pin
Sale price$28.99
This product will be custom made
Crawford Clan Crest Badge in Pewter
Art Pewter Crawford Clan Crest Badge in Pewter
Sale price$28.99
This product will be custom made
Wool Tartan Pocket Square in Crawford Ancient Tartan
Ingles Buchan Wool Tartan Pocket Square in Crawford Ancient Tartan
Sale price$12.79
This product will be custom made
Unisex Wool Tam in Crawford Ancient Tartan
Ingles Buchan Unisex Wool Tam in Crawford Ancient Tartan
Sale price$23.99
This product will be custom made
Crawford Clan Crest PlaqueCrawford Clan Crest Plaque
Global ScotCrest Crawford Clan Crest Plaque
Sale price$84.99
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Clan Crest Pewter Kilt Pin with Crawford Crest
St Kilda Clan Crest Pewter Kilt Pin with Crawford Crest
Sale price$27.99
This product will be custom made
Wool Cummerbund in MacNaughton Modern Tartan
Ingles Buchan Wool Cummerbund in MacNaughton Modern Tartan
Sale price$49.99
This product will be custom made
Crawford Clan Crest engraved 6oz Matt Black Hip Flask Gift Set with Cups and Funnel
Crawford Clan Crest Leather Passport CoverCrawford Clan Crest Leather Passport Cover
ScotClans Crawford Clan Crest Leather Passport Cover
Sale price$14.99
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Crawford Clan Crest Engraved Quaich.
Quaich Company Crawford Clan Crest Engraved Quaich.
Sale price$39.99
This product will be custom made
Wool Mini Sash in Crawford Ancient Tartan
Crawford Clan Crest Real Leather WalletCrawford Clan Crest Real Leather Wallet
ScotClans Crawford Clan Crest Real Leather Wallet
Sale price$29.99
This product will be custom made
Crawford Clan Crest Slate Coaster 4 PackCrawford Clan Crest Slate Coaster 4 Pack
ScotClans Crawford Clan Crest Slate Coaster 4 Pack
Sale price$39.99
This product will be custom made
Crawford Clan Crest Slate Coaster
ScotClans Crawford Clan Crest Slate Coaster
Sale price$12.99
This product will be custom made
Crawford Clan Mini Book
ScotClans Crawford Clan Mini Book
Sale price$3.68
In stock, 3 units

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