Colquhoun Ancient Tartan
14 products

Tartan Details:
Designer: Wilsons of Bannockburn
Tartan date: 01/01/1810
Available in: Spring Weight, Light Weight and Medium Weight from Strathmore
Registration notes: Also in the Cockburn Collection of 1810: Scottish Tartans Society notes say: This tartan is well documented, appearing in the earliest collections, and certified by the Chief, with his seal and signature, in the archives of the Highland Society of London (c.1816). The Clan tartan, in its present form, was woven by Wilson's of Bannockburn at the beginning of the 19th century and recorded in the firm's pattern books dated 1819. Threadcounts vary considerably in woven samples. In their 1850 book 'The Clan and Family Tartans of Scotland' W and A Smith of Mauchline wrote: 'Use and wont (customary practice) with the assent of all the authorities to whom we have applied, attest the genuineness of the Colquhoun Tartan, here given, which is the proper Tartan of the Cowans - that name being a mere corruption of Colquhoun.' The earliest known date from a list compiled by D.C. Stewart from Wilsons of Bannockburn letters is 1822.
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