Clan Boyd
Gaelic Name: Buidhe
Crest: A dexter hand erect and pale having the outer fingers bowed inwards
Motto: Confido (I trust)
Origin of Name: Gaelic, Buidhe (Fair)
Badge: Laurel leaves
Lands: Bute, Ayrshire
Clan Chief: The Rt. Hon Lord Kilmarnock
Associated Names
Air, Aird, Assloss, Auchinloss , Ayr, Ayrd, Bankhead, Blair, Bod, Boddagh, Bodha, Boid, Boit, Boite, Borland, Bowie, Boy, Boyd, Boyde, Boydston, Boyman, Boyte, Braland, Bribane, Brown, Buidhe, Buie, Burn, Bute, Cassy, Chrystal, Conn, Coon, Coonie, Corshill, Cosh, Crawford, Crystal, Dick, Faerie, Faery, Fairlie, Fairly, Farie, Farnly, Faul, Faulds, Fauls, Fenwick, Foulterton, Fullarton, Fullerton, Fullton, Gammell, Gemmill, George, Gorman, Gurman, Haire, Hare, Harshaw, Langmoore, Lines, Longmuir, Lynn, MacCosh, MacGillabuidhe, MacGiollabuidhe, MacLorg, MacLurg, Moore, Muir, O’Boyd, Parris, Pitco, Raeburn, Rayburn, Reburn, Rigg, Riggs, Speirs, Spiers, Spires, Starret, Steen, Stein, Stiret, Tannahill, Tannock, Templeton, Underwood, Vasser, Woodbourne, and Woodburn
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